1. All the download links for this post have been removed by request..
1. All the download links for this post have been removed by request..
2. Congratulations to the United Kingdom and the lovely Hi-Life Companion for a truly epic victory! Sorry Greece, second place again! [for the 4th time in a row]
A big thanks to all who voted!
1. United Kingdom : 26 votes
2. Greece : 9 votes
3. Spain : 8 votes
1. United Kingdom : 26 votes
2. Greece : 9 votes
3. Spain : 8 votes
Κυρίες και κύριοι, καλώς ήλθατε σε έναν ακόμη τελικό, τον τέταρτο κατά σειρά, της alt.Eurovision. Ο φετινός τελικός, μετά από την συναρπαστική περσινή νίκη της Πορτογαλίας, διεξάγεται στην ηλιόλουστη Λισαβόνα. Είκοσι μία συμμετοχές, δε θέλουμε να κάνουμε κοιλιά όπως ο κανονικός διαγωνισμός, περιμένουν και φέτος την ψήφο σας. Για παλιούς και νέους φίλους ιδού οι κανονισμοί της ψηφοφορίας:
1. Κατεβάζουμε και ακούμε τα τραγούδια.
2. Ψηφίζουμε ΜΙΑ φορά, ΟΣΑ τραγούδια θέλουμε [μην κλέβετε παρακαλώ ;) ]
3. Η ψηφοφορία τελειώνει το Σάββατο 29 Μαίου τα μεσάνυχτα, για την ανάδειξη του νικητή ταυτόχρονα με αυτόν του κανονικού διαγωνισμού.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 4th alt.Eurovision contest. Download and listen to the songs, and vote for your favourite entries. P.l.e.a.s.e. vote only once [for as many songs as you like]! Voting ends at 23.59', Saturday 29/5.
01. Austria : Bunny Lake - Army Of Lovers [div]

"Music for packed dancefloors and throbbing hearts alike. Music that tells lurid tales of insatiable desire, of the fever of irrationality, of opposites as inextricable as exciting."
02. Belgium : Sweet Coffee - Where Do We Go [div]

"The wealth of timbres to choose from lends convincing substance to a broader musical range. The groove tends to be heavier, the vibe deeper and the spectrum wider... a pretty exciting package."
03. Croatia : The Bambi Molesters - As The Dark Wave Swells [div]

"The Bambi Molesters are a surf rock band from Sisak, Croatia. Since their formation in 1995, they have taken part in the revival of the 1960s surf genre and continue to significantly contribute to its survival and further development with their critically acclaimed music"
04. Denmark : Ghost Society - Better Days [div]

"Ghost Society is a new project by Sara Savery from People Press Play (Morr Music), Tobias Wilner (Blue Foundation / Bichi) and Lasse Herbst founded in December 2008. With love for catchy indiepop, shoegazing and avantgarde folk they have been creating some beautiful and dreamy tunes."
05. Finland : Belle Who - Tide [div]

"Belle Who (Malla Malmivaara) is a Finnish actor and singer."
06. France : The Bewitched Hands On The Top Of Our Heads - Hard To Cry [div]

"The Bewitched Hands’ music is one of those pretty secrets that pop lovers listen to non-stop when they’re on their own, until they spit it to the world’s face as if it were a miracle solution to salvage the declining record industry and trigger countless orgasms."
07. Germany : Malory - Cache [div]

"Find out what kind of sound walls you can build without synthesizers. Total effects, all guitar, a concentric stream of desire and melancholy. Layer for layer the dome is growing from freely flowing emotions, in the dispute of the musicians. guitar vs. guitar. His voice against hers."
08. Greece : Sillyboy - Thin Air [div]

"ψάξτε αυτό το δίσκο, αγοράστε τον, κλέψτε τον, επιτέλους ελληνική ποπ με αρχίδια κι ένα άλμπουμ που φτιάχτηκε ολόκληρο σ΄ένα στούντιο στο μενίδι [i suppose] και είναι τόσο καλό που δεν μπορείς να το χωνέψεις..."
09. Iceland : FM Belfast - Par Avion [div]

"FM Belfast is an electronic band from Reykjavík, Iceland. The band formed in late 2005 as a duo with Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson (Plúseinn) and Lóa Hlín Hjálmtýsdóttir. The band was a studio project for some time until the Iceland Airwaves festival 2006 when the band expanded into a full on live act."
10. Ireland : Groom - Love Me Aimlessly [div]

"GROOM are a band from Dublin, Ireland who play music that sits somewhere between Indiepop and Classic Rock"
11. Israel : Naama Hillman - Let's Go Out Tonight [div]

"Naama Hillman is a Singer/Songwriter based in London. She was born in Israel and grew up in America where her musicality was evident from the very early years, as she studied classical piano before discovering the guitar. "
12. Italy : Comaneci - On My Path [div]

"Comaneci’s music is silent but evocative, traveling along common melodic rails as Cat Power and Mazzy Star. Andrea’s and Francesca’s guitars mingle with Jenny’s cello lines, as vocals fit their small but meaningful metrics in between."
13. The Netherlands : Happy Elf - Another Day [div]

"The music of Happy Elf can be labeled as electro, but actually it is much more than that: it’s pop music made with analogue synthesizers."
14. Norway : Susanne Sundfor - It's All Gone Tomorrow [div]

"Susanne Sundfør masters both jazz and classical music, and she has developed her own musical style with elements from both these genres."
15. Poland : Orchid - I Like It [div]

"The band is currently composed of 5 band members, where the main force are girls (3 of them). Much of their music focuses on simple guitar-based melodies. It meets the electronics, but not very modern, rather vintage."
16. Portugal : MAU - Sounds Like Sounds [div]

"Great high energy instrumental dance track that borders on being industrial. I can see myself mixing this track right into an old school Nitzer Ebb or Front 242 track"
17. Russia : Manicure - Another Girl [div]

"Manicure are a Moscow, Russia post-punk band. It started as a three-piece by Zhenia Novikov and two sisters, Polina and Ania Butuzova who played guitars and drums at their saturday practices after that huge Moscow disco fridays in the summer of 2007"
18. Spain : Cola Jet Set - Guitarras Y Tambores [div]

Guitaras Y Tambores is the quintessential, Elefant released, Spanish indiepop album, by the gorgeous Cola Jet Set.
19. Sweden : Good Morning June - Servant [div]

"I like the bands mix of shoegaze with more traditional alt rock. The band’s lead singer is not afraid to stray into Radiohead/Coldplay-like falsetto. Although usually there’s a good deal of reverb added to the mix making the band slightly more experimental sounding."
20. Turkey : On Your Horizon - John F. Kennedy Has Never Forgotten Laika [div]

"On Your Horizon is an experimental music project. The band was founded in Eskisehir, Turkey in 2009."
21. The UK : The Hi-Life Companion - Night Comes Down [div]

"The Hi-Life Companion are a Bristol based indie-pop collective loosely based around brothers Matt and Jon Troy. Jon was also the drummer in Airport Girl, who have released their second album on Fortuna Pop! Mark used to play the drums in The Mayfields."
Listen to all songs in the next video
Listen to all songs in the next video
You Can Download All Songs From H.E.R.E.
Download! Listen! Enjoy! Vote! OPA!!
2 σχόλια:
Αφού με ταλαιπώρησε λίγο το zshare σου, άκουσα προσεκτικά τις ομολογουμένως πολύ καλές φετινές υποψηφιότητες και αν δεν είχες διαλέξει το συγκεκριμένο κομμάτι της Sundfor (το Lilith είναι το αγαπημένο μου) θα ήταν η νικήτρια. Της έφαγαν τη θέση οι Γάλλοι Bewitched...
1,2 λοιπόν και άλλες 6 ψήφοι με σειρά βαθμολογίας : Finland, Germany, Greece, Austria, Denmark, Sweden.
Και του χρόνου ;)
Δυσκολεύτηκα να ξεχωρίσω μόνο μία συμμετοχή και τελικά επέλεξα περισσότερες! Συγχαρητήρια!
ΥΓ. http://www.abconcerts.be/en/abtv/p/detail/jonsi
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